A creative space for the remaining artisans of the world


Step-by-step upcycling tutorials on some easy, wallet-friendly techniques that have saved many cast-offs from landfill and turned them into treasures.

Posts tagged recycled wax
How To Make Candles from Recycled Wax

If, like me, you can’t stand waste then you’ll love this tutorial. This is candle making for your inner eco warrior! I found myself staring at a used up donut candle, which was sitting on the coffee table. It was beautiful when it was lit and functioning but after the wick ran out, there was so much leftover wax! Not knowing what to do with it and not wanting to throw it out, I did some research into recycling wax. Of course, that turned into an experiment and finally a blog post. So, if you want to make new candles out of your old ones, here’s how…

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